Ground Water Information Center | MBMG Data Center
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Montana Technological University
1300 West Park Street - Natural Resources Building Room 329
Butte Montana 59701-8997
Ph: (406) 496-4336 Fx: (406) 496-4343
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About our data
The following reports (some are pdf, some are html) describe some of the aspects of the GWIC data. Click to view.

  • GWIC Report Metadata (pdf) This report describes the various data types available from most online retrievals.
  • Searching GWIC Data Tips and tricks for searching the GWIC database online.
  • View a Typical Well Design Description of a typical well design. Contains graphics and text explanations.
  • ABCD Quarter Sections (text) Description of ABCD quarter section codes used in GWIC.
  • ABCD Quarter Sections (graphical) Graphic of how the ABCD quarter sections work.

  • Create an Account
    All users who want to browse online well data must first create a user name for the GWIC website. Click to create.

  • Online Account Create a new GWIC online user name. All online activity is free of charge.

  • Forms
    Some of the common GWIC forms available are also available for download here. Click to view.

  • Ownership Update Form: Download and fill out this form to submit an ownership update to a well log in GWIC.

  • Handouts
    Some of the common GWIC handouts available are also available for download here. Click to view.

  • Using GWIC on the Web (pdf) Offers an explanation of how to get started using the Ground-Water Information Center's website.
  • Water-Quality Constituents & their Significance (html)
  • Water-Quality Standards (html)

  • Support Tables
    GWIC uses codes in several of its data tables. Click to view code definitions.

  • Additional Parameter Codes (GWIC)
  • List of parameters for water quality or field chemistry data.
  • Geologic Aquifer Codes (GWIC)
  • List of currently available geologic codes.
  • Drainage Basin Codes (GWIC)
  • List of drainage basin codes.

    Click any of the tools listed below to use.

  • LatLong to TRS
  • Convert a Latitude-Longitude location to a Township-Range-Section location.

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