Ground Water Information Center | MBMG Data Center
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Montana Technological University
1300 West Park Street - Natural Resources Building Room 329
Butte Montana 59701-8997
Ph: (406) 496-4336 Fx: (406) 496-4343
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Example: Find a well located in 28N 20W 15 ABBC Read ABCD Explanation

To locate the well in the Township, Range, and Section, read the tract (ABCD) designations from left to right, largest tract to smallest tract. Beginning in the center of the section, travel to the 'A' in the center of the northeast quarter. From there, travel to the 'B' in the center of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter. From there travel to the 'B' in the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter. From there, travel to the 'C' or southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 15.

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