Ground Water Information Center | MBMG Data Center
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Montana Technological University
1300 West Park Street - Natural Resources Building Room 329
Butte Montana 59701-8997
Ph: (406) 496-4336 Fx: (406) 496-4343
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County-wide Statistics
GWIC offers a brief overview of the well data in an individual county. To view the data, select the county name from the drop-down box and then click the get data button.

Miscellaneous Reports
The following reports are available for general purpose viewing. All reports are provided as-is and are current to either date of retrieval or date last updated (by individual report).

  • New Wells
  • See how many well logs we receive monthly.
  • Privacy Policy Read the Ground-Water Information Center privacy policy.

  • Presentations
    The following are links to presentations that have been given by Ground-Water Assessment staff.

  • Download the summary of a talk given at the 2006 Clark Fork River Basin Ground Water Technical Conference by Tom Patton, September 27, 2006. (3.9 MB)

  • Statewide Monitoring Network

  • View a list of statewide monitoring network wells. The listing is by number of wells per county.

  • Statistics
    Use the following form to display statistics about the GWIC website. For monthly options choose a month and year to view then click Get Data. For yearly option choose a year then click Get Data. The current month and year is selected by default.

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