Ground Water Information Center | MBMG Data Center
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Montana Technological University
1300 West Park Street - Natural Resources Building Room 329
Butte Montana 59701-8997
Ph: (406) 496-4336 Fx: (406) 496-4343
| Home | Well Data | Reports | DrillerWeb | DNRC | Help! |


If you find a well that has out-of-date owner information or is located in the wrong place, you may send us a correction request and we will investigate it. You must include your name and contact information, the GWIC Id of the well that needs updated, and the new information.

Send the request to either:

E-mail Phone USPS Mail (406) 496-4336 Ground Water Information Center
1300 West Park St
Natural Resources Building Room 329
Butte, MT 59701

Information Center Staff

Information Center Staff
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Luke Buckley Associate Professor—Data Scientist, GWIC Administrator
Stacey Konda Computer Software Engineer, GWIC Lab Manager (406) 496-4336
Name Title Phone E-Mail
John LaFave, GWAA Program Manager Hydrogeologist (406) 496-4306
James Madison Hydrogeologist (406) 496-4619

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