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Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Montana Technological University
1300 West Park Street - Natural Resources Building Room 329
Butte Montana 59701-8997
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GWIC Data > Well Construction Data > Township: 12N Range: 10W Sec:

The following data were returned from the GWIC databases for the area you requested. For a more detailed description of the data view the GWIC Metadata report. If you notice data entry errors or have questions please let us know by sending us an Email at If you wish to view a one page report for a particular site, click the hyperlinked Gwic Id for that well. Scroll to the right of your screen to view all the data. All data displayed on the screen may not show up when printed.

Retrieval Statistics*
Field Max Min Avg
Total Depth (ft) 390.00 50.00 163.64
Static Water Level (ft) 301.00 12.00 78.27
Yield (gpm) 60.00 3.00 19.70
* These statistics do not take any geographic, topographic, or geologic factors into consideration. Negative swl values are reported for water levels that are above land surface.
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GWIC has 5 field visit(s) for this request area.
GWIC has 4 water level(s) for this request area.

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Other MBMG data
MBMG has 459 publications available for POWELL county.
MBMG has 0 abandoned mine record(s) for this request area.

Gwic Id PDF DNRC WR Site Name Twn Rng Sec Q Sec Ver? Type Td Swl Pwl Rwl Yield Test Date Use
327844 VANIMAN, CECILIA 12N 10W 2 No WELL 140.00 106.00 106.00 15.00 AIR 8/15/2023 DOMESTIC
328026 BROWN, MATT 12N 10W 3 No WELL 380.00 301.00 301.00 10.00 AIR 8/17/2023 DOMESTIC
332994 DODGE, DAVID 12N 10W 3 CBB No WELL 91.00 29.00 29.00 23.00 AIR 8/29/2024 DOMESTIC
322757 EBK LLC 12N 10W 4 BBB No WELL 383.00 231.00 231.00 20.00 AIR 8/9/2022 DOMESTIC
141327 90059 NEVADA CREEK RANCH 12N 10W 4 BBCC Yes WELL 65.00 37.00 38.00 37.00 25.00 BAILER 3/19/1994 STOCKWATER
322756 EBK LLC 12N 10W 4 BCB No WELL 263.00 149.00 15.00 AIR 8/8/2022 DOMESTIC
322758 BISHOP, PHILIP & DARLINDA 12N 10W 4 DAA No WELL 140.00 34.00 34.00 20.00 AIR 8/10/2022 DOMESTIC
322761 EBK LLC 12N 10W 4 DBC No WELL 140.00 36.00 36.00 30.00 AIR 8/16/2022 DOMESTIC
328592 BACKER, CODY 12N 10W 4 DD No WELL 263.00 122.00 122.00 60.00 AIR 9/13/2023 DOMESTIC
322759 WOOLSTENHULME, KENDELL 12N 10W 5 BDD No WELL 120.00 17.00 17.00 20.00 AIR 8/11/2022 DOMESTIC
155620 96284 NEVADA CREEK RANCH 12N 10W 5 BDDB Yes WELL 76.00 40.00 65.00 20.00 BAILER 9/15/1995 STOCKWATER
66488 1251 NEVADA CREEK RANCH (TOM HATCH) 12N 10W 5 BDDD Yes WELL 80.00 25.00 15.00 BAILER 10/12/1973 DOMESTIC
66489 ROSSIN ALFRED 12N 10W 5 DB No WELL 50.00 14.00 12.00 OTHER 7/15/1958 DOMESTIC
322760 EBK LLC 12N 10W 6 DAA No WELL 100.00 36.00 36.00 20.00 AIR 8/15/2022 DOMESTIC
322762 BURNETTE, KENNETH 12N 10W 6 DAD No WELL 160.00 64.00 64.00 12.00 AIR 8/16/2022 DOMESTIC
322762 BURNETTE, KENNETH 12N 10W 6 DAD No WELL 160.00 64.00 64.00 12.00 AIR 8/16/2022 DOMESTIC
322762 BURNETTE, KENNETH 12N 10W 6 DAD No WELL 160.00 64.00 64.00 12.00 AIR 8/16/2022 DOMESTIC
331545 T/W LANDS LLC 12N 10W 8 BAB No WELL 260.00 3.00 FLOW 5/20/2024 DOMESTIC
163776 102983 STITT JAY & SANDRA 12N 10W 9 AAAD Yes WELL 50.00 20.00 30.00 13.00 10.00 BAILER 10/7/1997 STOCKWATER
273757 JESSOP, JULIA 12N 10W 9 BA No WELL 390.00 4.00 BAILER 6/13/2013 DOMESTIC
292790 JOHNSON, HARRY AND COSIE 12N 10W 10 No WELL 120.00 45.00 45.00 40.00 AIR 6/13/2017 DOMESTIC
143614 91649 NIEMEIR DON & PHYLLIS 12N 10W 10 AA No WELL 105.00 70.00 80.00 70.00 15.00 BAILER 7/26/1994 DOMESTIC
193635 SAARI LES 12N 10W 10 ABD No WELL 50.00 17.00 42.00 17.00 20.00 BAILER 6/15/2001 DOMESTIC
66490 13171 STITT JOHN A. 12N 10W 10 CC No WELL 50.00 12.00 18.00 10.00 PUMP 3/17/1977 DOMESTIC
257448 STITT WADE 12N 10W 10 CC No WELL 60.00 16.00 16.00 6.00 BAILER 8/12/2010 STOCKWATER
261663 STIT, WADE * RK1087 12N 10W 10 DB No WELL 180.00 22.00 22.00 20.00 AIR 9/1/2010 STOCKWATER
245693 BAKER BILL 12N 10W 10 DC No WELL 181.00 96.00 96.00 15.00 PUMP 7/16/2008 DOMESTIC
66491 ANDERSON WAYNE 12N 10W 11 No WELL 135.00 80.00 85.00 15.00 BAILER 4/26/1979 DOMESTIC
278396 SHUMAKER, KIM A. AND KAREN R. 12N 10W 11 CD No WELL 240.00 59.00 20.00 AIR 10/25/2013 DOMESTIC
196253 86948 EGBERS DODE 12N 10W 11 DBC No WELL 177.00 90.00 90.00 12.00 BAILER 5/13/2002 DOMESTIC
317214 BAUGHAN, KALON 12N 10W 13 DA No WELL 60.00 28.00 28.00 25.00 AIR 8/6/2008 DOMESTIC
202261 BREUM SCOTT 12N 10W 14 A No WELL 220.00 125.00 125.00 30.00 AIR 4/23/2003 DOMESTIC
213938 MITCHELL DON 12N 10W 14 A No WELL 360.00 196.00 196.00 30.00 AIR 6/24/2004 DOMESTIC
212582 WILLIAMS CLEM 12N 10W 14 A No WELL 300.00 173.00 173.00 30.00 AIR 6/30/2004 DOMESTIC
218866 PALM WAYNE AND MARCIA 12N 10W 14 AC No WELL 194.00 88.00 45.00 8.00 PUMP 4/28/2005 DOMESTIC
120744 BENTON GLEN 12N 10W 14 AD No WELL 220.00 149.00 192.00 149.00 10.00 AIR 10/18/1990 DOMESTIC
160365 30004328 DANIELS DAVID C AND JUDY K 12N 10W 14 B No WELL 80.00 AIR 7/19/2002 DOMESTIC
166976 104211 DAVIS JOHN 12N 10W 14 BAB No WELL 121.00 17.00 100.00 17.00 50.00 AIR 8/23/1996 DOMESTIC
231407 DANIELS DAVID AND JUDY 12N 10W 14 CC No WELL 125.00 113.00 113.00 12.00 PUMP 7/19/2002 DOMESTIC
328591 BLAZE, ERIC 12N 10W 15 No WELL 246.00 91.00 91.00 45.00 AIR 9/15/2023 DOMESTIC
315632 MOUNTAIN VISTA HOMES 12N 10W 15 No WELL 110.00 51.00 51.00 15.00 AIR 7/20/2021 DOMESTIC
239109 HOFFMAN MARTY & LINDA 12N 10W 24 AA No WELL 136.00 48.00 48.00 15.00 AIR 8/23/2007 DOMESTIC
310676 LOHSS CONSTRUCTION 12N 10W 24 AD No WELL 213.00 120.00 120.00 30.00 AIR 9/29/2020 DOMESTIC
315634 PFINGSTEN, JEFFREY 12N 10W 24 DD No WELL 160.00 114.00 114.00 16.00 AIR 7/21/2021 DOMESTIC

End of Report.
45 record(s) listed.

Items of Note:
1This report is restricted to site types of WELL, BOREHOLE, SPRING, COAL BED METHANE WELL, PETWELL, PIEZOMETER.
2A single well record (a distinct GWIC Id) may be represented by more than one line in this report if more than one performance test was conducted on the well at the time of drilling.

Explanation of Columns:
GWIC Id = Key field for the GWIC database. Links to one page reports.
PDF = Are scanned documents available through the Document Manager?
  • = Yes, click on the icon to download the PDF file.
  • = No, well was submitted electronically. No paper record exists.
  • = No, record does have a known well log but it is not scanned yet.
  • = No, record may or may not have a document to scan. Metadata is unclear.
  • = No, record was created from a source other than a well log. No paper record exists.
DNRC WR = Water right number assigned to this site by Department of Natural Resources and Conservation.
Site Name = Current owner name assigned to GWIC record.
Location = Location of site in Montana township, range, section, and quarter-section coordinates.
Ver? = Has this location been verified by field staff?
Type = Type of site assigned to GWIC record.
Td = Total depth of well in feet below ground.
Swl = Static water level in feet above/below ground - Negative values are reported for water levels that are above land surface.
Pwl = Pumping water level in feet below ground.
Rwl = Recovery water level in feet below ground.
Yield = Yield in gallons per minute.
Test = Type of performance test reported.
Date = Completion date of well/borehole.
Use = Reported use of water.

The preceding materials represent the contents of the GWIC databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval. The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis. The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user at the time and date of the retrieval [10/8/2024 11:19:00 AM]. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. There may be wells in the request area that are not recorded at the Information Center.

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