Ground Water Information Center | MBMG Data Center
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Montana Technological University
1300 West Park Street - Natural Resources Building Room 329
Butte Montana 59701-8997
Ph: (406) 496-4336 Fx: (406) 496-4343
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GWIC Data > Field Visit Report > Township: 12N Range: 10W Sec:

The following data were returned from the GWIC databases for the area you requested. For a more detailed description of the data view the GWIC Metadata report. If you notice data entry errors or have questions please let us know by sending us an Email at If you wish to view a one page report for a particular site, click the hyperlinked Gwic Id for that well. Scroll to the right of your screen to view all the data. All data displayed on the screen may not show up when printed.

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Gwic Id PDF Site Name Latitude Longitude Geomethod Datum Twn Rng Sec Q Sec Type Aquifer Altitude Td Inv Date Who Agency Inv Td Td How Inv Swl Inv Pwl System
Inv Project Sample
Water Temp Field SC Field pH Alkalinity Redox Nitrate Chloride Dissolved
141327 NEVADA CREEK RANCH 46.8288 -112.8712 NAV-GPS NAD27 12N 10W 4 BBCC WELL 112SNGR 4445 65 8/19/2000 1:08:00 PM RICHTER MIKE MBMG 65 REPORTED 37.19 CLEAR GOOD GWCP05 YES
155620 NEVADA CREEK RANCH 46.826 -112.8835 NAV-GPS NAD27 12N 10W 5 BDDB WELL 120SNGR 4445 76 8/19/2000 12:08:00 PM RICHTER MIKE MBMG 76 REPORTED 43.58 50.2 7 VOLUMETRIC 0.3 CLEAR GOOD GWCP05 YES 9.3 270 7.54 0
66488 NEVADA CREEK RANCH (TOM HATCH) 46.8253 -112.883 NAV-GPS NAD27 12N 10W 5 BDDD WELL 120SNGR 4465 80 8/19/2000 11:30:00 AM RICHTER MIKE MBMG 80 REPORTED 29.85 CLEAR GOOD GWCP05 NO
163776 STITT JAY & SANDRA 46.8157 -112.8515 NAV-GPS NAD27 12N 10W 9 AAAD WELL 120SDMS 4480 50 8/19/2000 4:26:00 PM RICHTER MIKE MBMG 50 REPORTED CLEAR FAIR GWCP05 YES 10.6 211 6.94 1
182985 STITT JAY & SANDRA 46.8147 -112.8518 NAV-GPS NAD27 12N 10W 9 AADA WELL 120SDMS 4490 50 8/19/2000 2:54:00 PM RICHTER MIKE MBMG 50 REPORTED 14.28 CLEAR GOOD GWCP05 YES 7.1 220 6.77 2

End of Report.
5 record(s) listed.

Explanation of Columns:
GWIC Id = Key field for the GWIC database. Links to one page reports.
PDF = Is a scanned version of the well log available in PDF format?
  • = Yes, click on the icon to download the PDF file.
  • = No, well was submitted electronically. No paper record exists.
  • = No, record does have a known well log but it is not scanned yet.
  • = No, record may or may not have a document to scan. Metadata is unclear.
  • = No, record was created from a source other than a well log. No paper record exists.
Site Name = Current owner name assigned to GWIC record.
Latitude = Latitude of point in degrees North of the equator.
Longitude = Longitude of point in degrees West of the Prime Meridian.
Geomethod = Method used to determine latitude and longitude.
Datum = Datum of latitude and longitude values.
Location = Location of site in Montana township, range, section and quarter sections.
Type = Type of site.
Aquifer = Geologic source of water at this site.
Td = Total depth of well in feet below ground.
Inv Date = Date site visit was conducted.
Who = Name of individual that conducted site visit.
Angency = Agency that conducted site visit.
Inv Td = Total depth measured during site visit.
Td How = Method used to determine total depth.
Inv Swl = Static water level (feet below measuring point) taken at time of visit.
Inv Pwl = Pumping water level (feet below measuring point) taken at time of visit.
System Discharge = Amount of water (gallons per minute) produced during performance test.
How Discharge Measured = Method used to determine system discharge.
Test Length = Length of time (hours) performance test was run.
Water Condition = Condition of water noted during site visit.
Well Condition = Condition of well noted during site visit.
Inv Project = MBMG project responsible for collecting this data.
Sample Before Treatment = Can the water from this site be sampled before treatment?
Water Temp = Temperature (°C) of water.
Field SC = Specific conductance (umhos @ 25°C) measured during site visit.
Field pH = pH measured during site visit.
Alkalinity = Alkalinity (mg/L) measured during site visit.
Redox = Oxidation-Reduction potential (mV) measured during site visit.
Nitrate = Concentration of nitrate (mg/L) measured during site visit.
Chloride = Concentration of chloride (mg/L) measured during site visit.
Dissolved Oxygen = Concentration of dissolved oxygen (mg/L) measured during site visit.

The preceding materials represent the contents of the GWIC databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date of the retrieval. The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis. The Bureau warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user at the time and date of the retrieval [7/27/2024 7:18:06 AM]. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the Bureau claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. There may be wells in the request area that are not recorded at the Information Center.

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