Ground Water Information Center
Hydrograph and Precipitation Display

  • GWIC ID 67503
  • Aquifer
  • Name
  • Location
    Legal Description 12N20W35BDBB
    Latitude 46.75815
    Longitude -114.080723
    Geomethod NAV-GPS
    Datum NAD83
  • Total Depth 68.7 feet
  • Water Level Range 34 to 37 feet below ground
  • Measurements 1
  • Period of Record
    5/9/2016 1:45:00 PM - 5/9/2016 1:45:00 PM

Data reported are water levels in feet below ground surface. Water levels in wells used for water supply may reflect intervals of pumping.


The preceding materials represent the contents of the GWIC databases at the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology at the time and date [9/7/2024 8:30:02 PM] of the retrieval. The information is considered unpublished and is subject to correction and review on a daily basis. The MBMG warrants the accurate transmission of the data to the original end user at the time and date of the retrieval. Retransmission of the data to other users is discouraged and the MBMG claims no responsibility if the material is retransmitted. There may be wells in the request area that are not recorded at the Information Center. Water-level data downloaded from GWIC are not filtered and will contain all measurements.